Glue is the working title of a project that intends to replace or at least to complete or complement today’s money or currency system. month: “2001/12” year: “2001”
It is based on the idea of a credit/debit system. In past times this system needed a centralised controlling authority. With the uprise of public key systems and trust rings a central point is not required any longer.
Glue at it’s current stage is not even alpha and aspires to explore the concept and eventually provide a proof of concept implementation.
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Anleitung Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie beim ersten Mal, an dem Sie mit Ihrem Client auf die Online Banking Seite zugreiffen, Java-Script in den Einstellungen eingeschaltet haben. Die Applikation wir nun versuchen die Java Applikation im Netscape Verzeichnis zu installieren. Damit dies möglich ist muss die Applikation Schreibzugriff auf das Verzeichnis java/classes haben. Wenn dies noch nicht der Fall ist, dann sollten Sie dies entsprechend einrichten:
localhost: $ su Password: # Unter Debian: # (473 ist die Versionsnummer des Browers localhost: # cd /usr/lib/netscape/473/netscape/java localhost: # chmod a+w classes # Unter SuSE 6.
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Ispell-choose is a wrapper around ispell that let’s you choose first which dictionary/language you want to use and then calls ispell. This is usefull for programms such as pine that use ispell as their spellchecker.
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This page serves as a refernce to my hack of pinepgp which enables it to work also with gpg instead of only with pgp. If the original authors will mind to include my mods, then I’ll probably dump this page, otherwise it will live on for ever to serve the world and help to enable people to use their pine together with gpg ;v) Here are the scripts. Download them and untar them into /usr/lib/pinepgp.
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