This is an update of the KDE Developer’s HOWTO. It’s here so that people can comment on it and it will disapear as soon as the changes are integrated in the original document.
updated KDE Developer’s HOWTO Docbook source Makefile to build various formats of the HOWTO Enjoy! Tomas Pospisek
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Here a various LRRD plugins. You need to copy them into the client.d directory and restart the lrrd-client to make them work. They are not sophisticated, they only monitor processes, but they work.
Star Scheduler Monitoring Firebird DB Monitoring Courier Monitoring Samba File Server Monitoring Enjoy! Tomas Pospisek
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Current Udpcast packages can be found at Debian’s site. I only maintain a udpcast package compiled for woody here.
Additionaly you’ll find below a preview release for unstable based on the udpcast 20030601 alpha release. It does contain a few crude packaging hacks from my part but should work nevertheless.
Feedback wellcome.
Alpha 20030601 preview for unstable:
udpcast_20030605b-1.diff.gz udpcast_20030605b-1_i386.deb udpcast_20030605b.orig.tar.gz
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Here is the dd_rescue package compiled for Debian woody i386 compatible systems. Versions for other Debian releases can be found here.
Enjoy! Tomas Pospisek
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Ever wondered how you can build your own kernel with make-kpkg so that changes in the changelog will be preserved and your revision number from the changelog will be used? The answer is:
echo > debian/official The rationale is here..
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