Introduction Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, extensible, and portable. This class embeds the Ruby interpreter in a C++ application.
Usage examples RubyEval& ruby = *RubyEval::instance(); ruby.eval("puts 'hello ruby'"); assert( NUM2INT( ruby.eval("1+1") ) == 2 ); assert(RubyEval::val2str(ruby.eval("'Regexp'.gsub(/x/, 'X')")) == "RegeXp"); Download Source tgz Class documentation Public Methods ~RubyEval ()
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rawtest is a tool to test throughput to raw devices. A raw device is an alternative interface to a block device where the linux kernel will not buffer anything. See raw(8) for more info.
To create a raw device first make an empty partition that is at least $BLOCKS large (see fdisk(8), cfdisk(8)). Then attach the raw device to that partition (see raw(8)). Finally run rawtest on it.
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Overview Here are infos on how to tune Linux for better performance on the following hardware. It should apply to other machines than the specific Toshiba modell provided that some of your HW is the same. It is meant as a supplement to Enrico Segre’s page and jxh’s page that describe general configuration more in detail. Toshiba maintains quite good Linux pages. Useful tools are Jonathan Buzzard’s Toshiba Utilities, klaptop and apm.
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Trickle is a userspace bandwidth shaper. Debian’s unstable version can be found here. Below you can find trickle and the libevent library that it requires, compiled and build for the Debian “woody” release. The sources to trickle can be found at one of the two links above - no changes to the Debian version were required apart from a rebuid.
trickle_1.06-1_i386.deb libevent0_0.6-5_i386.deb libevent-dev_0.6-5_i386.deb
Enjoy! Tomas Pospisek
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Language C++ Quick Reference (Original version in ASCII-Format) C++ Language Summary C++ Programming Style Guide (from C and C++ Style Guides) KDE App Programming Guidelines The KDevelop Programming Handbook: Programming C++?? : A Critique of C++ (3rd Ed.)
Libraries CppUnit - Unit test framework for C++ Design Patterns (ZIP) The Standard Template Library GUI Toolkits for The X Window System
Software Doxygen KDevelop
Resources Cetus Links on Object-Orientation: C++ Oli’s C/C++-Links
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