Introduction GTK+, which stands for the Gimp ToolKit, is a library for creating graphical user interfaces for the X Window System.
Eiffel is a pure object-oriented programming language designed with the explicit intent to produce high quality, reliable software. This page shows a comparison of all Eiffel-GTK bindings.
eGTK Authors: Richie Bielak and others URL: Latest Release: 0.3.5 (13.7.00) License: Eiffel Forum Freeware License Supported Compilers: SmallEiffel and ISE Eiffel + Portability + Works with eglade + Use of Eiffel features like Assertions + Good distribution - Callback-Interface (One class for each callback)
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Introduction The Delphi/Kylix GIS components connect your application with a WMS or UMN map server. The map viewer component has all the basic functionality for viewing, navigating and querying maps. WMS (Web Map Service) is a specification of the Open GIS Consortium supported by many free and commercial web mapping servers. You can use maps from the numerous public WMS or UMN sites with native GUI elements - without browser. These components are written as portable CLX components and tested with Kylix 3 and Delphi 7.
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Introduction Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, extensible, and portable. This component embeds the Ruby interpreter in a Kylix/Delphi application.
Usage examples if ruby.EvalExpression('1+1') <> 2 then raise Exception.create('Ruby can''t calculate!'); ruby.Expression.Text := 'print "Regexp".gsub!(/e.+/, "uby")'; ruby.Execute; if ruby.Output <> 'Ruby' then raise Exception.
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List of Map Servers with Viewers HTML Viewer
Capbilities (XML)
NASA Web Map Viewer
World Topography
National Boundaries, Coastlines, Topography and Bathymetry, …
OGC WMS Viewer
World Topography
Capitals, Ocean Label, Country, Topography, Countries (Area), Ocean Depth, …
Capabilities 1 Capabilities 2
Europe Topography
Political Boundries, Coastlines, Global 30 s Elevations, Global 5 min Elevations, …
East Coast / Canada - USA / Area of Interest
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Synchronization with Java through File Locks Short version: use lockf/fcntl and not flock for synchronization through file locks with Java. When one process uses flock and the other lockf, then they will not be able to see each other’s locks.
Rant version: Java praises itself as being truly portable. Since 1.4 it also has a platform-independent file locking mechanism that is visible accross process boundaries and is meant for synchronization with non-Java applications [1].
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