I needed a ring buffer in Ruby, and since a web search didn’t yield anything I did it myself. Here you go, use as you wish:
Simple RingBuffer implementation ================================ see class RingBufferTest below for usage examples ================================================= class RingBuffer \< Array alias\_method :array\_push, :push alias\_method :array\_element, :[] def initialize( size ) @ring\_size = size super( size ) end def push( element ) if length == @ring\_size shift \# loose element end array\_push element end \# Access elements in the RingBuffer \# \# offset will be typically negative!
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It’s taken a long time but slowly gqview is being recognized as one of the best open source image displaying programs. It’s fast, it’s easy to use, it’s been steadily evolving over the years, it can do a lot but it gets out of your way.
One thing that can not yet be done directly in gqview is rotating images (especially photos) by setting the relevant EXIF flag. However there’s a way to do it by using an underestimated feature of gqview: its configurable editors.
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The bind DNS server’s error messages I encounter are usually not very helpful. This is one of them. It means that the zone you (or some nsupdate client) is trying to update is currently frozen. What you need to do is thus to unfreeze it by issuing a:
rndc unfreeze your.dynamically.updatable.zone
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Introduction GIS-Knoppix is a bootable Linux CD with pre-installed GIS software. It is based on Knoppix.
Software Linux with KDE and many applications GRASS 6.2 Raster/vector GIS, image processing system, and graphics production system PostgreSQL Postgres database with PostGIS extension MySQL 5.0.21 MySQL database with spatial extensions QGis 0.8 Viewer and data analysis for vector and raster data with PostGIS support Versions Version: FOSS4G2006
GRASS 6.2 Raster/vector GIS, image processing system, and graphics production system PostgreSQL 8.
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Überblick GIS-Knoppix ist eine bootfähige Linux-CD mit vorinstallierter Open-Source GIS Software. Neben einer umfangreichen Linux-Distribution ist unter anderem folgende GIS-Software enthalten:
GRASS 6.2 Ein umfangreiches Desktop-GIS PostgreSQL Postgres Datenbank MySQL 5.0.21 MySQL Datenbank mit Unterstützung für Geografische Daten QGis 0.8 Ein umfangreicher Editor/Viewer für verschiedene Formate mit PostGIS-Unterstützung Die CD basiert auf Knoppix 5.0
Versionen Version FOSS4G2006:
GRASS 6.2 Ein umfangreiches Desktop-GIS PostgreSQL Postgres Datenbank MySQL 5.0.21 MySQL Datenbank mit Unterstützung für Geografische Daten QGis 0.
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