Here’s an improved version of mybackup, a MySql database backup tool. The changes against 0.9.5c are:
option to exclude databases by default exclude MySql’s information_schema metainfo DB access TABLE STATUS rows by name instead of position use the standard ‘-’ for STDOUT instead of ‘BLANK’ which wouldn’t work open log file before writing any output Tomas Pospisek, tpo at
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Update July 31, 2008 The current version is now hosted and documented on github.
Getting Started Install the latest version of the plugin:
./script/plugin install Create a controller and a view
./script/generate controller Map index Initialization of the map Add the map viewer initialization to the index action in the controller:
@map ="map") do |map, page| page << map.add_layer(MapLayers::GOOGLE) page << map.zoom_to_max_extent() end Add this to the head of your view:
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Intro This article describes how to configure your Linux system to display an nice graphical image from the BIOS until your application or the login manager appear. No text should appear on the screen during that time.
The web is full with descriptions and tools that cover tiny parts of this process, however there seems to be no document that covers the whole path end to end. This document wants to do this and cover the whole stretch.
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Lately, when committing large files with Subversion I had problems like this:
\$ svn commit linux- Adding (bin) linux- Transmitting file data .svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: PUT of '/svn/!svn/wrk/38f59907-4ccf-4e05-acf4-444499e715cc/embipc/branches/ipc/linux-image/linux-': Could not send request body: connection was closed by server. () svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file: svn: '/some/path/embipc/branches/ipc/linux-image/svn-commit.tmp' Apache’s Log was very quiet about the problem. All I could see that SVN would be deleting the uploaded file after abort (that’s what I think it was doing):
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Damit Taxme 2006 funktioniert, musste ich Blackdown’s j2re1.4 installieren, man bekommt es hier. Einfach
deb testing non-free in /etc/apt/sources.list eintragen. Offenbar ist Taxme nicht kompatibel mit 1.5er oder 1.6er JRE’s.
Damit die Hilfe im Taxme 2006 erscheint, musste ich:
das Paket libxul0d installieren (welches /usr/lib/xulrunner/ enthält, welches Taxme benötigt)
das folgende Startscript schreiben:
#!/bin/sh # offenbar braucht SWT libgtkembedmoz, welches # TaxMe2006: z.B. in libxul0d in /usr/lib/xulrunner/ liegt # siehe http://www.
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