Some of the more or less officially recommended documents describing how to set up SMTP time spam scanning suggests calling (?) Spamassasin from Exim as user “nobody”.
However under Debian the User nobody intentionally has no home directory and thus, depending on how you’ve set up Exim4 and Spamassassin, Spamassassin will try to save its settings in its $HOME, resulting in the following error (visible in /var/log/mail.log):
Mar 2 09:55:59 mail spamd[4896]: config: cannot write to /nonexistent/.
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After importing a CSV document (comma separated table) there were sequences of litteral “<13><10>” text in some of the cells in Openoffice.
What you need to do is to replace them by a newline with a text editor, before importing them n Openoffice.
In vim you do that by opening the file, marking the whole document with “V0G”, and then replacing all the occurences of “<13><10>” with a newline by issuing “:s/<13><10>/Ctrl-VEnter/a”, where Ctrl-V is pressing down the Ctrl key and then the ‘v’ key and Enter is pressing the “Enter” key.
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load 'deploy' require 'mongrel_cluster/recipes' set :application, "mysite" set :deploy_to, "/var/www/#{application}" set :scm, :git set :repository, "git://" set :branch, "v0.8-stable" set :deploy_via, :remote_cache set :user, "www-data" set :use_sudo, false set :mongrel_conf, "#{current_path}/config/mongrel_cluster.yml" role :app, "myserver" #role :web, "myserver" role :db, "myserver", :primary => true after 'deploy:update_code', 'deploy:finalize_update_code' after 'deploy:rollback:revision', 'deploy:finalize_update_code' desc "Finalize update_code" deploy.task :finalize_update_code do run "cp -rf #{shared_path}/config/* #{current_release}/config/" run "cp -rf #{shared_path}/public/* #{current_release}/public/" run "rm -rf #{current_release}/public/assets; ln -s #{shared_path}/assets #{current_release}/public/assets" run "rm -rf #{current_release}/themes; ln -s #{shared_path}/themes #{current_release}/themes" end After an initial
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Das WMS-Repository hat in den letzten Wochen einige neue Funktionen erhalten:
RSS-Feed der täglich aktualisierten Server-Liste Suche mit Open Search API Neuer Basis-Layer mit OpenStreetMap-Daten
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Some more or less fundamental problems of Zabbix:
Transfers between server and agent are un-authenticated and un-encrypted. zabbix_sender connects to the right TCP Port and that’s it. values are being transferred one by one. If I do a “df” and get 10 values for 10 mounted filesystems, then the zabbix server will make 10 TCP connections to get those values and will call 10 times df
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