Slides from our presentations at FOSS4G 2014 in Portland/Oregon:
From Nottingham to PDX: QGIS 2014 roundup State of QGIS Server Easy ETL with OGR Pirmin Kalberer (@implgeo)
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A lot of people are using QGIS Cloud as a service with ready to use QGIS webclient. It’s very easy to publish data and share maps in this way. But QGIS Cloud has more power under the hood. A not so obvious feature of QGIS Cloud is the option to share your data via Web Feature Service (WFS) and manage them via Web Feature Service Transactional (WFS-T). “The basic Web Feature Service allows querying and retrieval of features.
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In one week, the 2014 FOSS4G Conference will start in Portland/Oregon. Sourcepole supports this major event as a bronze sponsor.
Our conference contributions:
Workshop presented by Horst Düster (@moazagotl)
Tuesday afternoon: QGIS Plugin Development with PyQt4 and PyQGIS Presentations by Pirmin Kalberer ((@implgeo))
Thursday, Session 2, Track 7, 13:00 - 13:25: State of QGIS Server Thursday, Session 2, Track 7, 13:30 - 13:55: From Nottingham to PDX: QGIS 2014 roundup Thursday, Session 3, Track 6, 16:25 - 13:25: Easy ETL with OGR Meet Pirmin and Horst at Sourcepole’s exhibition booth and have a look at our latest products.
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Im November 2014 bietet Sourcepole wieder sein kompetentes Kursprogramm rund um alle GDI Komponenten an. Zu allen Kursen gehört umfangreiches Kursmaterial, Mittagessen und Kaffepausen. Bei Buchung eines Grundkurses und dem darauf folgenden Aufbaukurs erhalten die Teilnehmer Rabatt auf den Kurspreis.
PostgreSQL / PostGIS Einführung (3. - 4. November 2014) PostgreSQL / PostGIS für Fortgeschrittene (5. November 2014) Desktop GIS
QGIS 2.4 / Enterprise Desktop Grundkurs (10. - 11. November 2014) QGIS 2.
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